An increased police presence at Roosevelt High School in Sioux Falls was the response from internet threats that were eventually deemed false.

District officials and Sioux Falls Police take threats seriously and Public Information Officer Sam Clemens speaks of multiple sources that reported to police about the potential for harm.

“There was a threat that was made to Roosevelt High School. As with every single threat we obviously take these things very seriously. We investigate these fully. The more we’ve dug into this one, it doesn’t lead us to believe that it’s a credible threat.”

Clemens believes that a proactive approach with keeping the public informed is best practice in this situation.

“(The threat) was all emails and there’s been quite a few different agencies and business that have received this. We know that people are going to start talking about that. We want people to know that we are digging into this. However, we haven’t made much headway as far as being able to verify that this is an actual threat, but we are taking it seriously.”

In February a different Sioux Falls School received a similar threat which also was unsubstantiated.

Police dispatched additional officers to Roosevelt as a precaution and alerted the School Resource Officers at other school buildings in the city of the situation.

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