With the job market like it is, more openings than people to fill them, there's never been a better time to find the job that will make your life happy. Employers are starving for good employees.

So decide what your dream job is, and go for it. You only live once!

Applying is step one. But the key to getting the job, is the interview. You get one shot at this, so make sure you are prepared.

Don't be nervous. Instead go in there knowing as much about the company as you can. The more you understand their business, the more you will appear to be the right person to fill the job.

The beginning and the end of the interview are really important. What happens in between is important. But there has to be a beginning and an end.

The opener is simple. A smile along with a firm handshake while you thank them for seeing you.

But the one thing you should always do at a job interview comes right before you head out the door. And this could be the determining factor on getting chosen for the job.

After you've made your case and the hiring manager concludes the interview, don't just say "thank you" and leave. Before you exit, be sure to say: "I really want this job."

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