The Most Expensive (And Cheapest) Sioux Falls Neighborhoods Ranked
Ever wonder which Sioux Falls neighborhoods are the most expensive to live in and which are the cheapest? Well, check out this list, provided by neighborhood scout.
There are dozens of unique neighborhoods throughout the city and the website neighborhoodscout.com offers a detailed and interactive look at the city's map, while it determines where the most expensive, as well as the cheapest areas to live in the city are.
Here's a look at the most expensive:

- Anderson Subdivision (Far East Side)
- S Cliff Ave./E 69th St. (South Side)
- Shindler (Far Southeast Side)
- W 57th St / S Louise Ave (Southwest Side)
- E 57th St / S Cliff Ave (Central)
- W 41st St / S Sertoma Ave (West side)
- S Sycamore Ave / E 42nd St (East side)
- Ellis (Far West Side)
- E. 26th St/S 4th Ave (Central)
- N Cleveland Ave/E Pearl St
When comparing this list to an earlier published list of the safest neighborhoods in Sioux Falls, there are several neighborhoods that make both lists. However, a few exceptions are the Ellis neighborhood (number 8), as well as the N Cleveland Ave/E Pearl St neighborhood.
As for the cheapest neighborhoods to live in Sioux Falls, they include:
- W 12th St / S Marion Rd
- W Madison St / N Kiwanis Ave
- S Marion Rd/ W 16th St
- W 12th St/ S Kiwanis Ave
- E Rice St/ N Cliff Ave
To see the interactive map of all the Sioux Falls neighborhoods, and to find out where your neck of the woods ranks, check out the Neighborhood Scout page.
Story Source: Neighborhood Scout
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