Thanksgiving Foods You Can Take on a Plane
It is estimated that almost 11% of all Americans will travel by plane this Thanksgiving holiday. That's around 27 million people in the skies. Mind blown. Many will travel and bring a Thanksgiving dinner with them. What? Are there no turkeys in Poughkeepsie? No yams in Yakima? No stuffing in Stickney?
Whatever the reason people will travel with all the fixings, there are some things you may take on a plane and some you cannot - or at least will have to check. Which means there may be a lot of cranberry sauce and gravy in the luggage hold.

According to the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), here are the things allowed and not allowed on the aircraft:
You can carry on:
Baked goods
Fresh fruit and veggies
Stuffing, cooked or uncooked, in a bag or box
Any kind of meat, frozen, uncooked, cooked
You must check:
Jams, jelly, and preserves
Cranberry sauce
Canned fruit or veggies
The goodbye with my Hutterite rhubarb jam will be long and sorrowful. But I'll see you when we get there.
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