How Does South Dakota Fare in the Battle against the Bulge?How Does South Dakota Fare in the Battle against the Bulge?Being overweight is quickly becoming the new normal here in the United States. But just how porky are we in the state of South Dakota?Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
How to Avoid Weight Gain While Self-Quarantined. Good LuckHow to Avoid Weight Gain While Self-Quarantined. Good LuckThis is definitely a noble goal. Whether it is possible or not, remains to be seen.Patty DeePatty Dee
Is It Possible to Raid Your Kid’s Halloween Candy Bag and Not Gain Weight?Is It Possible to Raid Your Kid’s Halloween Candy Bag and Not Gain Weight?Watch out, your sweet tooth might get you into trouble later tonight. Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
Don't Undo Your DietDon't Undo Your DietYour diets worst enemy is your vacation.Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
Packing On Pounds Isn’t Just Because Of The FoodPacking On Pounds Isn’t Just Because Of The FoodDuring the holidays we go thru some weight gain issues. But, there's more to it than just the food around us as the cause.Mark TasslerMark Tassler