Edible Remote Control Cake Is a Yummy Transportation OptionEdible Remote Control Cake Is a Yummy Transportation OptionThis is going to make you wheely hungry.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Cookie Dough Beer Might Just Be the Best Creation Ever!Cookie Dough Beer Might Just Be the Best Creation Ever!New Belgium Brewing and Ben & Jerry's are teaming up for a new flavor this fall. Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Deep Fried Twinkies Are Now a Cholesterol-Raising RealityDeep Fried Twinkies Are Now a Cholesterol-Raising RealityWhy go to the state fair when the state fair can go to you?Staff WriterStaff Writer
IKEA’s Charred All-Black ‘Ninja’ Hot Dog Is a Culinary CuriosityIKEA’s Charred All-Black ‘Ninja’ Hot Dog Is a Culinary CuriosityPutting things together is a hallmark of IKEA, but we'd love to know who decided to put this together.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz
Need This In My Life: Mac ‘N CheetosNeed This In My Life: Mac ‘N CheetosBurger King Introduces Life Changer "Mac'N Cheetos". Such a beautiful creation, but how soon can I get some?TravTrav