
Practical Ways You Can Try to Survive a Direct Lightning Strike
Practical Ways You Can Try to Survive a Direct Lightning Strike
Practical Ways You Can Try to Survive a Direct Lightning Strike
Weather can change within an instant. One second it's bright and sunny outside, and five minutes later clouds cover the sky as the temperature drops and it starts to pour. Scenarios like this happen all the time and are especially frequent during the spring and summertime across the Centennial State.
Watch 300 Million Volt Lightning Bolts Streak Across Oregon Sky
Watch 300 Million Volt Lightning Bolts Streak Across Oregon Sky
Watch 300 Million Volt Lightning Bolts Streak Across Oregon Sky
Some of the most spectacular weather events I’ve ever witnessed were during the summertime in Arkansas. My mother’s family lives there, and many family vacations were spent visiting relatives and enjoying the natural beauties that the state offers. When I saw the below videos, I was reminded of all those incredible memories!
Drone Pilot Captures Dazzling Lightning Storm Over Boise, Idaho
Drone Pilot Captures Dazzling Lightning Storm Over Boise, Idaho
Drone Pilot Captures Dazzling Lightning Storm Over Boise, Idaho
If you've ever spent in summer in Boise, you will know that we don't get many storms around here--but we do get them and they'll come on quick and strong. Booming thunder, bright lightening, and that steamy summer rain are all signature experiences in Boise as the temperatures increase.