Story Behind the Song: ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ by Glen Campbell
One of the most recognized hit songs in all of the music world, is "Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glen Campbell. It was new in 1975, and it appealed to everybody.
It's been 42 years since it came out. And what I find very interesting, is my eight year old son today loves the song. He can sing it word for word.
So the song just didn't catch on at the time it was new, it still can many years later. And probably will for generations to come.
When it came out in 1975, it topped both the country and pop charts at the same time. Something that hadn't happened since 1961 with Jimmy Dean's "Big Bad John".
It remained at the top for multiple weeks on both charts. And it wasn't just here in the United States. It also topped the charts in Canada and several other countries. I mean, everybody loved this song!
Larry Weiss wrote and recorded "Rhinestone Cowboy" in 1974, with little commercial success. Campbell heard it on the radio, and became very interested in recording the song.
Campbell totally identified with the song about a veteran artist who made it after paying his dues along the way in his career. It was just natural for him to sing it, and it was hands down, the biggest hit of his storied career.
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