State Senator From Sioux Falls Calls For Statewide Mask Mandate
Positive cases of COVID- 19 have dropped significantly in the state of South Dakota since their peak back in November. In fact, the South Dakota Department of Public Health earlier this week announced the state saw its lowest single-day case count since July. However, with worries about a new variant of the virus, which appears to be more contagious than the original strain, many in the state want to remain vigilant in the fight against the coronavirus.
One Sioux Falls State Senator is now publicly calling for the state of South Dakota to implement a mask mandate policy as soon as possible and is proposing legislation he says will protect all South Dakotans throughout the pandemic.
According to Dakota News Now, the bill (Senate Bill 125) was introduced Wednesday by Senator Reynold Nesiba from Sioux Falls. In it, the state senator calls for residents statewide to take similar measures to the city of Sioux Falls, which passed its initial mask mandate back in November.
On the South Dakota State Legislature website, the title of the proposed bill is as follows:
Require the wearing of face coverings in the state under certain conditions and to declare an emergency.
-Senate Bill 125
Senator Nesiba joined one other state senator and six representatives in sponsoring the bill. You can view the proposed legislation here.
Story Source: Dakota News Now
Story Source: Center For Disease Control
Story Source: South Dakota Legislature
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