Mixed martial arts, or MMA, is a wildly popular sport in America. I'm not a big fan by any means, but I certainly respect it.

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard opposes a bill currently in the legislature that would regulate sports like MMA.

Why? He says such regulation would "legitimize" the sport.

OK. I can respect that opinion. But I think it is misguided thinking.

MMA is already a legitimate sport regardless of whether or not our traditionally behind-the-times state chooses to regulate the sport. Instead Daugaard would rather we do nothing and allow fights to happen without regulation.

That's smart.

I completely disagree him, but I can at least respect that opinion for what it is: old thinking.

I cannot respect the opinion of Representative Steve Hickey. His opinion of MMA written in his blog:

"MMA Cage Fighting is the child porn of sports."

Holy hyperbole, Batman!

I'm not going to argue in favor of MMA in response to Hickey. I'll simply ask what the hell is wrong him? Child porn? He's comparing MMA child porn?

Is he saying that the voluntary participants in MMA, who go in knowing the risks, are victims just like children who have evil adults taking advantage for them? Is he saying that people who watch MMA are perverts who should be hauled away and locked up?

If you don't like MMA, Mr. Hickey, fine. Speak out against it, keep it from being regulated, keep South Dakota in the 1950's. But don't use the young victims of sexual abuse to make your point. It makes you look like an idiot.

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