South Dakota Salutes is an appreciation event to say "thank you" to the first responders and military personnel who serve & protect the citizens of South Dakota.

And if anyone deserves a great big 'Thank You' it is certainly these great folks!

The 2017 Shooting Event is Monday and Tuesday (September 25-26) at Hunters Pointe Shooting Complex in  in Humboldt.

The South Dakota invitees may choose to participate in various shooting sports free of charge on either of the two days:

Law Enforcement including: city & town police, county sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, highway patrol officers, Game-Fish & Parks Officers, DCI, Fire & Rescue including EMT’s (full-time & volunteer)

Military personnel including: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Reserve Units, Guard Units (active duty & retired)

For more info go to SDSALUTES.ORG.

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