Members of the South Dakota Regimental Militia have taken upon themselves to guard the Armed Forces Career Center at 57th and Louise in Sioux Falls due to concerns of the unarmed military inside and recent shootings that killed soldiers in Chattanooga, TN.

Militia member Zachary Gallegos stood outside of the center with another militia member on Tuesday July 22, 2015 with the goal of protecting the soldiers inside and the public at large.  In military fatigues, Gallegos had an AR 15 strapped across his shoulder and a 45 caliber 1911 on his side.  A bullet proof vest and medical kit were also a part of his gear.

Gallegos says there are about 12 militia members in the Sioux Falls area and at least 20 in the state.  He says they train together with former military personnel to improve their skills.

Plans continue to assemble of roster of members to stand guard in front of the center until the soldiers inside are allowed to carry weapons or as Gallegos claims in some states, the National guard is called in to protect similar locations.

Inside the recruitment center, separate offices for each branch of the military are in offices where friendly soldiers welcome those who enter.  The US Army office staff said they were not able to comment and provided a press release:

US Army Recruiting Command Soldiers are using security and force protection policies to ensure the safety and security of our recruiting centers.  The Department of Defense and the Army prohibit weapons from being in recruiting centers.  In light of the attack, the Army will increase vigilance and review our security measures, particular at stand-alone sites not connected to a military installation.  We are America's Army and local communities can support our security by reporting suspicious activity, particularly around recruiting centers.  If you see something, say something.



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