I Love Life: South Dakota Preacher Kevin Suiter Recalls His Alcohol, Drug Addicitons
If you don't think it is possible to overcome substance abuse addictions, you need to read on!
Over 30 years ago, Pastor Kevin Suiter and his wife, Cindy, were heavily involved in alcohol and drugs.
"Jesus reached all the way down and picked me all the way up. We didn't run with the wrong crowd, we were the wrong crowd! We spent record time going nowhere. I used to recite the prayer 'Deliver Me' from me! I was my own worst enemy. I had a big hole in my heart that only Jesus could fill. He turned the mess into a message, a text intro a testimony and scars into stars. What He does for anybody He can do for everybody because He's not a respecter of people but a respecter of his word."
No longer craving drugs and alcohol, Kevin is transforming lives everyday with his message of hope, inspiration and faith.
"God doesn't look at the way you are right now. Instead He looks at what you can be. That's the message we share in our Let The Lion Loose Ministries. We try to get to the people that are the out limit crowd. Jesus is still cozy with sinners."
Although it's been decades since his spiritual conversion, Kevin still recalls when he asked for divine help in his troubled life and got it.
'It was the Stockman's Bar here in Sioux Falls. A young man came out of the Union Gospel Mission before it burned to the ground back then. I used the Lord's name in vain. This young man was bold enough to walk up and tell me 'mister Jesus really does save sinners.' That did a spiritual surgery on my heart. I went into the Stockman's Bar and ordered a jumbo drink. I began to sip the drink. What that kid said to me touched my heart. The more I thought about Heaven, the more I was pretty sure I wasn't going there. The next day someone was bold enough to give me a gospel tract. I still have it in my office. I read that little sinner's prayer in the back of the gospel tract. I asked Christ to help me as I was. I said I can't get over the stuff. I need your help. He's good at that."
Instead of searching for his next high, Kevin reached out to God and enrolled in Bible College. Years later the preacher was ministering to the bikers at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota.
"Our new t shirt for Sturgis is 'booze free, drug free, porn free, set free.' God wants to deliver you from you. We try to get the bikers to look up and see a great big God that cares for them."
Although it may not be overnight, Pastor Kevin Suiter says God's message eventually touches the hearts of the sinners. That's just what happened to the South Dakota preacher!