South Dakota is turning 126 years old today. So what did you get her?

Yikes! If you gapped out South Dakota's birthday too, don't sweat it, no one else in the state is planning a big celebration today either. But, it still doesn't mean you shouldn't wish her happy birthday when you get a chance.

South Dakota celebrates its 126th anniversary of statehood on Monday, November 2, 2015.

It was on this date back in 1889, that President Benjamin Harrison ushered in the Rushmore state as the 40th state in the nation. As a matter of fact, North Dakota was admitted on the same day.

Like I mentioned, nothing big planned for this year, but the birthday party was definitely in full force last year as Governor Dennis Daugaard and First Lady Linda Daugaard attended a South Dakota Symphony Concert celebrating the state's 125th anniversary of statehood in the Capitol Building Rotunda. That event was actually held the Saturday before the anniversary because November 2 fell on a Sunday.

Last year's concert also capped off more than a year of activities throughout the state.

Source: Daily Journal

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