South Dakota Farmers Shut Their Work Down To Visit School Children
I believe in agriculture and children. This is great with the two coming together.
Farmers once again are coming right into the classroom to educate our children about agriculture. We told you about some schools a few days ago getting the visits.
Here's an update on more classrooms holding the special event for the kids. This time it's Harrisburg, South Dakota's fourth graders.
American agriculture provides the necessities of everyday life: food, fiber, clothing, and now fuel. That's the message that farmers will share with Harrisburg students to celebrate National Ag Week, which is March 24 through 28.
Dairy farmer Ann Tornberg, Beresford; will join pork producers Ashley Gelderman, Sioux Falls; and Steve Rommeriem, Alcester, in visits with fourth graders at Explorer Elementary and Endeavor Elementary.
The dairy and hog farmers hope to educate students on how they care for their livestock and help them understand how South Dakota's number one industry affects nutrition and food supply, as well as agriculture's economic, social, and environmental significance to all Americans.
The schedule for the classroom visits is as follows:
Explorer Elementary - Thursday, March 20th at 12:45pm
Endeavor Elementary - Wednesday, March 26th at 11:15
Ag United will do more than talk; they're providing a pizza party too. During the visit, producers will help the students understand that the ingredients in the pizza are produced by farms, and also explain how those products are then processed and made into the pizzas that the students are enjoying.
"The impact on South Dakota's economy alone from agriculture is over
$20 billion," Steve Rommereim, Ag United President and Alcester farmer, said. "And on a national scale, agriculture is America's number one export. But it's still easy to take agriculture for granted. We want to instill an appreciation for agriculture in our local youth, advance an awareness of South Dakota's contribution and promote agricultural literacy."
In addition to the visit in Harrisburg, Ag United, along with its coalition members, Associated Milk Producers, Valley Queen Cheese, and Land O'Lakes will sponsor Ag Day pizza party events for fourth and fifth graders at schools in Milbank, Sioux Falls, Yankton, Brandon, Mitchell, and Watertown.