Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether is adamant that if there is a problem with potholes in the streets to let somebody know.  The Pothole Hotline is 367-8002 by the way.  If you have a pothole peeve that’s the way to get the city machinery functioning.

According to, a priority system is in place.  Potholes will be fixed based on threats to personal safety and damage to property.  The more severe the threat, the sooner it will be fixed.  Read the explicit outline here.

The boulevard in question that would be most beneficial to at least patch would be east of 57th and Louise.  The concrete joints are breaking down as you can see above.  Add to that the immense amount of traffic this stretch of road encounters and it will not be long before the natives are restless.

Taking the criteria level into account, put the priority level at a three, possibly two and a half.  However the incessant stream of vehicles will eventually cause further damage.  To be fair, this is nothing like the work that was needed on North Cliff Avenue. Here’s hoping we can get a little joint repair for this area a little higher on the list.

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