Sioux Falls Police responded to several assault calls over the weekend. During the Monday Police Media Briefing at the Law Enforcement Center, Police Information Officer Sam Clemens says one of incidents took place in the 300 Block of West Second Street.

"Two guys were drinking inside an apartment. Something was said. We don't quite know what it was. But one person took offense and started beating on the other. The suspect punched the victim several times and he went to the ground. The suspect continued kicking him. We estimating maybe 15 to 20 times that he was punched and kicked. The victim ended up going to the hospital with some pretty serious injuries. The suspect was still there when officers arrived. He was arrested for aggravated assault."

In another incident, Clemens says a boyfriend reportedly attacked his girlfriend.

"This is a different apartment near downtown Sioux Falls. The boyfriend was upset with his girlfriend and began beating her. He punched her several times and kicked her as well including grabbing her by the hair and dragging her though the apartment. Eventually he left and she was able to call for some help. He was caught while leaving the apartment and was arrested for aggravated assault domestic."

The 30-year-old victim was taken to the hospital.









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