Proposed Building for Downtown Sioux Falls
City of Sioux Falls

The next time you're at 10th and Phillips Downtown, have a good look and take a mental picture because it's all changing in the next two years.

Starting in spring of 2016, Philips Avenue and 10th Street will get a new look with the development named The Banks, one of the largest developments in Sioux Falls history. According to Darrin Smith, Director of Community Development,  "The total value of this project, all of these pieces as proposed, nears 40 million dollars. The city will construct a new public parking ramp that will have approximately 600 spaces, a green rooftop, the likes of which you will not find anywhere in Sioux Falls today."

It’s more than office space and parking as The Banks. "An 80 room, upscale boutique hotel that will include a first class restaurant.  Will construct a 45 plus unit apartment project that will be located east of the hotel."

Teri Schmidt, Executive Director of Sioux Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau says this project is another example of working together for the future. "To see these partners come together and really do what's best not for themselves necessarily but for the community's future, it's what Sioux Falls is all about."

Skelly's Pub and the Copper Lounge would be purchased and then demolished. The new development plans to open sometime in 2017.


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