I Love Life: Sioux Falls Breast Cancer Survivor Offers a Message of Hope!
Dianne Schulz of Sioux Falls is a Breast Cancer Survivor!
"I did feel a lump in my breast. But, at the time, I thought it was a fatty tumor. I didn't think much about it until it started getting bigger. Then, I thought I had to get it checked out. I got a mammogram. I found out the tumor was cancerous.
At first, Dianne was overwhelmed with negativity until church members prayed for her recovery.
Some people in our church got up and they shared a scripture which was in Corinthians that my grace is sufficient. Then they sang a song about 'you're crying now but your joy will come.' While listening to the song, the Holy Spirit hit me. I started crying. But, I felt like God was saying it was going to be all right and you're going to go through this: 'my grace will take you through it.' After the service, I read the Bible about Job and how he was tested. I just started thinking of the cancer as a Job experience."
Aside from her faith in God, Dianne had a strong support group.
"So many people reaching out to me and so much prayer. I would go up at church and ask for prayer. The elders would pray for me. I believed God was going to take me through it. When I would have chemo or any kind of radiation, I would say---all right God I'm doing my part. Let's make this medicine work and it did. The tumor was taken out!"
With faith, Dianne Schulz says nothing is impossible!
"Oh definitely! Yup! When I was at home going through the chemo, I relied on my Bible and reading scriptures. Just trusting God to heal me. I just felt like that day in church, I was going to go through it and along the way shared my faith with others going through difficult times."
Dianne Schulz is definitely a woman of faith!