Should you shop Sioux Falls Downtown Small Business Saturday this weekend after Thanksgiving? According to John Brown II, Small Business Administration District Director, you should.

He says: "These are your friends, these are your neighbors, it's your family. Every year, throughout the year, they give back to these communities. This is our opportunity to stress all of us to give back to them".

Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken officially proclaimed November 24, 2018 as Small Business Saturday in Sioux Falls saying: "I urge the residents of the community to support local businesses and merchants on Small Business Saturday and throughout the year".

Sioux Falls Small Business Saturday is set for the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 24, 2018. DTSF is promising not only shopping deals but fun things for the family. The Downtown Trolley will be operating from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Sioux Falls Santa will also be visiting businesses in downtown Sioux Falls on Small Business Saturday. Find Santa at Phillips Avenue, Jones421, and Eastbank businesses from 12 Noon - 4:00p.m.

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