A South Dakota State Representative did an about face on Wednesday (January 18) when he initially told a reporter that he did not have sex with an intern, paused, and asked the reporter to ask the question again.

In that moment Matthew Wollman, 26, of Madison says he was compelled to tell the truth and admitted to having sex with two different interns, one in 2015 and the other 2016.  He was also quick to point out that it was with individuals over 21 and consensual.

Rumors had been swirling around the capital building, and after what he says was a confession from Wollman, House Majority Leader Lee Qualm of Platte to informed the full house and asked for an investigation.

Wollman says rumors regarding the incidents have been circulating for a long time and some of those rumors did not contain facts:

I knew that if I were to take the reins and take control of the situation and say hey this is what happened that everything would be better and time heals all wounds so I'm hoping that's what happens in this situation.

A committee of both Republicans and Democrats will be formed to review Wollman's actions and determine what course of action should be taken.

Just last week a legislative panel voted down a bill that would have made sex with interns illegal.

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