There are so many worthy charitable causes for you to donate to at this time of the year and indeed year 'round, that asking you to consider another may seem overkill, but I'll do it because this is a bit different.

The Banquet is asking for people to donate new undergarments to their guests for Christmas. For the obvious reasons they are not looking for "gently used" undies. Try and imagine wearing someone else's underwear! Yikes!

They are in need of bras, underwear (boxers for men and teens), undershirts and socks for men, women and children. These clothing gifts will be given to the Banquet guests right before Christmas.

Most homeless people and the working poor are very familiar with wearing previously worn clothing. When you barely have enough money to provide food for yourself and your kids, buying new underwear isn't on the list of must-haves. So if you can find it in your heart and holiday budget, please use these tips for buying these much needed items:

  • Buy a packaged gift - 3 packs of boxers or underwear, bras or t-shirts
  • Buy your size. It will fit someone perfectly
  • Do not wrap gifts

For more information on volunteering at or helping out the Banquet see their website or check them out on Facebook.

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