In Alliance, Nebraska the High School Principal put the kibosh on the Pledge of Allegiance. Because of the partial government shutdown Principal Pat Jones said there would not be a Pledge of Allegiance.

That only lasted one day. On Oct. 7 the students were told they would not be reciting the pledge. The reasoning was because the federal government has been partially shut down since Oct. 1.

Some students, parents, and school board members were not happy. In opposition to the decision one young lad stood up in class and recited the pledge anyway.

The school of about 500 students is located in north western Nebraska Panhandle.

Principal Jones is not chatting about the situation instead referring all comments and questions to the district superintendent, Troy Unzicker.

Unzicker said Jones hadn't cleared his plan with administrators beforehand, but Unzicker said he soon heard about it after school board members started getting calls and emails from parents.

Unzicker wouldn't say whether Jones had been disciplined for the apparent policy violation. Jones did get students talking about government, the superintendent said.

"There were some positive aspects that came out of it, but (skipping the pledge) is not something we will do again," Unzicker said.

So what do you think?  Was this out of line or good move by the teacher to utilize a teachable moment 

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