Apparently lunch breaks have changed since I was in school.  There was trouble at this Sioux Falls high school yesterday.  Here is the word from KSFY.COM:

Tuesday, Sioux Falls police arrested four Roosevelt high school students for allegedly smoking marijuana.

Three of the students are teenaged-boys and the fourth student is a sixteen year-old girl.

And police actually arrested the students for allegedly getting high while off-campus during lunch.

But when they came back, something didn't smell right. Police say the four students left Roosevelt High School for lunch but when they came back, they ran into someone on campus who thought something smelled suspicious.

Enough for them to take a trip straight to the school's office.

Sioux Falls Police officer Sam Clemens said police searched the students and found one student had some pipes with marijuana residue.

"Once they had them back in the office, they believed they were under the influence of marijuana and contacted the school resource officer," Ofc. Clemens said.

"If no marijuana is found, they end up being charged with ingesting but... one of them was charged who had the pipes and the other three were all charged with ingesting," Ofc. Clemens said.

A sixteen-year-old boy was charged with possession. The other three students, a sixteen-year-old girl and two fifteen-year-old boys were charged with ingesting.

Police say the sixteen-year-old girl was taken to Volunteers of America. The three boys were released to their parents custody.


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