It doesn't matter if you are a casual rider or one that takes riding seriously, there is nothing better than hitting the open road and feeling the wind on your face and the sun on your shoulders.

Living in South Dakota there are many main-roads and back-roads that motorcycle riders can travel. But some of the most scenic drives someone can take looking through handlebars, are in the southwest portion of the state.

From the open prairie roads to the winding bridges in the Black Hills, motorcyclists can now take a rider's view of the state of South Dakota and not even leave home.

Whether you are planning on attending the 75th Annual 2015 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally or simply looking to take to the open-road for some alone time, South Dakota Rides will allow you to check out different South Dakota riding routes (especially in the Black Hills region) through an interactive map and find out how difficult they are to maneuver.

Riders are then encouraged to view the bike-cam videos to see what the trek will look like while watching from behind the handlebars. The website will also give riders construction updates (thanks to the South Dakota Department of Transportation's SafeTravel USA), share photos and videos and sign up to chat live with other riders as they plot their own tours.

South Dakota Rides invites you to "fill your tank and empty your schedule", plan your route and get ready to hit the road.




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