We've all had one, two, three, okay, maybe a dozen of those nights that we wish we could do-over again back in our younger years, heck some of us are still having them now that we're older.

You know the type of night I'm talking about, the one that starts off with a few friends, a few beers, and then usually ends up the next morning with you waking up lying next to a toilet in a house that you have no idea who owns.

I had one too many of those type of nights in the 90's unfortunately.

So when I stumbled across this news, (no pun intended), it took me back to all those hazy nights in my youth, when I was doing stupid things seemingly on a nightly basis while under the influence of whatever was cheap, and chilled in my refrigerator at the time.

There's a new study out that reveals the average person who drinks spends 315 days of their life hungover!

After hearing that stat my head started to hurt worse than the morning after a 3-day bender.

315 days! Yikes! If that isn't a sobering thought I don't know what is. Spending almost one full year of your life feeling like crap because you regularly loved to drink like a sailor on a weekend pass.

According to the study, the average female drinker will experience 840 hangovers throughout the course of their life, with each hangover lasting about nine hours.

Men on the other hand tend to get drunk more often and have a total of 1,080 hangovers in their lives. With each hangover lasting in the neighborhood of seven hours each.

Obviously that sick feeling, like someone just kicked you in the head and stomach with an iron boot is what people hate the most about having a hangover. That, and how much of a time waster having a hangover can be for a person.

Then of course you need to factor in the amount of work a person misses as the result of the morning trembles.

In hindsight, I think I might have worked a total of 315 days from 1985-1994 thanks to the brown bottle flu.

Thank goodness I finally grew up and out of those type of days and nights.

But speaking of hangovers, next time you run into Patty Dee, make sure you ask her about the night she slept in my bathtub after the radio station Christmas party back in the mid 80's. It's a classic, trust me! If only there were Smartphone's back then. The pictures I could post for you.

If you're still experiencing these types of nights even today, please remember to ALWAYS do the responsible thing. Never drink and drive! Call a cab, or find yourself a designated driver! Then, plan on having a healthy supply of Tylenol on hand.

Source: Daily Mail


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