It doesn't flood every year, but it has again. Imagine, you bought a camper for the family. You bought the charcoal for the grill. You were ready to load the kids bikes into the back of the pickup or hang them on that fancy little bumper hitch thingy your so proud of [cause it will save you so much space] and now, you can't go camping at your favorite campground in the world!

North Point Campground at Pickstown, South Dakota is closed due to flooding. To compound the problem, camping 'below the dam' is closed as well due to a bridge that you would have to 'General Lee across' in order to get to the campground portion. That bridge was also damaged by way of too much water coming through too fast earlier this spring.

Spring runoff is getting summer enthusiasts attention all along the Missouri River all throughout the state of South Dakota and downstream our neighbors to the south will say the same thing. If you think it's a hassle for us here in South Dakota imagine downstream where the river is closed.  Missouri Net shares that, shipping on the river has been closed down!

It was a wet, wet late spring and we're all looking to dry off a bit!

Thank you for sharing this story with your camper pulling, outdoor grilling camping friends on Facebook and Twitter!

Flooding at North Point Campground


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