Voters have chosen Cynthia Mickelson as their new school board member for Sioux Falls Public schools.

Mickelson says there are issues she looks forward to working on with the other school board members. "Graduation rates improvement while keeping the quality of our education high as well, and making sure as we expand as a district that we're using all of our resources effectively and wisely prior to building new buildings and so forth."  Said Mickelson.

She describes how full time employees are being used for behavioral and mental health students.  Mickelson hopes to look for outside funding for those employees, freeing up funds to hire more teachers with the goal of smaller class sizes.

Just over 4,300 voters went to polling stations yesterday to choose the new school board member.

CandidateVotes Cast% of Votes
Dimitrios Gliarmis  2.5%1082.5%
Randy Dobberpuhl   41.8%1,81041.8%
Cynthia H. Mickelson  52.5%2,27852.5%
Carol L. Robinson  3.2% 1393.2%



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