Make Your Own Oscar Statue Using Stolen Office Supplies
People often ask me what we do when we get off the air after hosting the Main Street Cafe weekday mornings on 1140 KSOO.
Well, for me I spend a lot of my time looking for goofy things to talk about on the air and post to our website and social media.
For example, I recently ran across an article by Tony Sam on the website Funny or Die on how to make your own Oscar statue using stolen office supplies.
That's right folks, just in time for the Academy Awards. You too can make your very own Oscar statue to hang on to while you're watching the show.
All it take is 10 yellow highlighters, one fine point black sharpie, three invisible tape dispenser spools, and one roll of invisible tape.
For complete instructions, CLICK HERE.
(Source: Funny or Die)