How did you meet your significant other? Is there a fun or quirky story behind it? It's most often a moment in time you'll never forget. One Minnesota couple has such a unique story that they were invited on national TV to share it.

My love story is kind of funny. After buying a car from the Mazda dealership, I realized I forgot to bring the title for my trade-in when I picked up my new car. So, I made a special trip later in the week to drop it off. When I walked in, I was greeted by a new face. Little did I know, that new guy would eventually become my husband.

I felt incredibly embarrassed at the time because I was finishing up my shift on the morning show, dressed in my usual 'I don't feel like dressing up today' attire: hair in a ponytail, no makeup, jeans and a sweatshirt. He, on the other hand, looked dapper as hell in a grey suit. Of course I would meet this dream man looking like that...

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Fast forward a few months and I had a stupid blonde moment locking myself out of my car. I called the dealership to figure out what to do and ended up having to talk to my now-husband. I was convinced I was just sealing the deal that he would NEVER be interested in me. Wrong! Instead, he smoothly asked for my number, channeling his inner Rico Suavé, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Anyway, enough about me. You're here to hear about this awesomely unique story from a Minnesota couple.

A Blaine woman shared her story on national TV after she got more than just food with her Grubhub order.

Drew Barrymore Show
Drew Barrymore Show

Hannah Bullerman set the scene on the Drew Barrymore show talking about how she stayed home from work with a migraine and decided to order some food. She goes on to say how she expected the delivery driver to leave her food in the lobby of her apartment, so she was far from prepared to meet the love of her life (ha, sounds familiar).

Also See: Minnesota Actor Spotted in Popular New TV Show.

After meeting this man, Alec Hoffman, she decided to take a chance and shoot him a message post-delivery. She used legit the best line in her message saying, "I hope your day is as nice as your face!" LOL, love it.

Two years later and Hannah and Alec are now engaged. But wait, there's more, they received a free honeymoon trip to Fiji during their appearance on the show.

Click here to watch them and here more about their love story on the Drew show. 

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weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5

Historic Minnesota Bed And Breakfast Ready For New Owners

This Queen Anne Victorian mansion in old Saint Paul is a unique income-producing property with a fully furnished bed and breakfast, a preschool, an owner's residence, and more according to the listing.

Gallery Credit: Samm Adams

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