Have you ever thought of a world without mail service? For a fleeting moment, some may think it would save the United States Postal Service (USPS) from its astronomical debt. But, then again without junk mail how would we get our exercise walking to the mailbox and back?

Put yourself in their (USPS) shoes. Let's make more cuts. Let's raise the price of stamps again. Let's discontinue this service. All while trying to stay afloat.

Here comes the next blow to consumers. At Best Life Online, it was reported that beginning Monday the USPS Loyalty Program will be discontinued, even though it has generated more than $600 million in revenue from 1.2 million customers.

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Taking another turn, USPS changed its Click-N-Ship service to allow all customers using it to receive lower commercial rates. With an upgraded Click-N-Ship app the current point and credit system is also being discontinued.

Bestlive.com writes, if you are an existing member of the Loyalty Program, you will no longer be able to earn loyalty points, according to the agency.


But wait, there's more! First-Class Mail prices are expected to take another bump by approximately 5.4 percent. That would push the price of a First Class Mail Forever stamp, from 63 cents to 66 cents.

Corporate accounts will be taking a hit too. All remaining USPSCA accounts will be closed on July 1,

Should you find yourself with nothing to read, look over the latest Postal Bulletin.

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