Where Is A Sioux Falls National Night Out Celebration Going On?
National Night Out is held the first Tuesday of every August across the U.S. Its purpose is to bring communities together. It also promotes police-community partnerships in an effort to make our neighborhoods not only friendlier but safer.
Here in Sioux Falls, there are several neighborhoods celebrating National Night Out with block party events. It's a great way to meet and get to know your neighbors, too!
The one we've heard about is going on at Lyon Park near downtown Sioux Falls from 6 to 8 PM. Phillips Avenue between 14th and 17 Streets will be closed off for this gathering. Hot dogs will be provided and you're asked to bring a side dish for everyone to share, plus your own beverages to drink.
Please bring your own reusable plates and utensils too - -to help reduce waste and cleanup time.
You're also invited to bring your bikes and lawn chairs. The 605 Art Bus will be there, as well as live music.
So if you're from the Lyon Park neighborhood, bring a dish to pass - -come down and meet your neighbors and first responders!