It’s True, What Goes Around Comes Around, Pass The Popcorn
It's no longer nostalgia, a distant memory. Nope. Drive-In theaters are now hip and happenin' (A phrase which is, of course, nostalgic)!
Thanks, or no thanks I guess, to the Coronavirus Drive-In movies have become big again. I was noticing that the biggest grossing movies of the week recently were the one's that were at the Drive-In's scattered around the country. Now, they're not making millions and millions of dollars like the old days (you remember, a few months ago), but folks are heading to the Drive-In.
And it's not just movies. You probably read about Garth Brooks doing a Drive-In Concert. It's what you call adaptability.
Being seasoned in my years, I remember as a kid heading over to the Verne Drive-In in Luverne with my folks and some farm neighbors. I guess it was maybe once-a-year or so, and I remember specifically seeing 'That Darn Cat', a Disney film there. Yes, that's how old I am.
Then years later, some of my absolute warmest memories are taking my kids Jeremy and Jessie to the Drive-In movies in Winner and just outside Gregory.
So if it's been a long time since you had popcorn and soda at the good 'ol Drive-In, hope in the car and head out to the nearest one. For those of us in Sioux Falls area, it isn't all that far. For others around the country, could be a ways away.
But they're back. So snuggle up and enjoy a movie (or concert). But hey! No steamin' up the windows!