With today's gas prices it might seem like hitching a ride could be a good alternative to forking out a bunch of cash to fill your vehicle's gas tank. But is hitchhiking even legal in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota?

There was a time in the midwest when hitchhiking was commonplace and mostly safe.

Today if you are considering hitching a ride from a stranger you really also want to keep safety top of mind.

But what are the laws concerning hitchhiking in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota?

I looked 'em up. Here's what I found out.

Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

Hitchhiking is legal in Minnesota if you stay on the sidewalks and shoulders. Also, it is important to remember that hitchhiking is prohibited on the freeways in Minnesota.

Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa, Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

In Iowa, the law now expressly notes that it is completely legal to hitchhike off the traveled portion of a road. Pedestrians can solicit rides. No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of any private vehicle.

Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock
Legal To Hitchhike In Minnesota, Iowa, Or South Dakota-Getty Thinkstock

South Dakota doesn't appear to have any state laws regarding hitchhiking. To be safe, stay on the shoulder of the road when hitchhiking.

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