Does Sioux Falls have a graffiti problem?

Graffiti, or tagging,  is used by individuals and groups to send a message.  Some groups consider graffiti the "newspaper" of their organization sending messages either coded or directly stated.

For instance, homes, fences, and an apartment building near Roosevelt High School were tagged over the weekend.  These taggers or individuals doing the graffiti stated their message clearly.  They used symbols and in some cases rather inappropriate words to communicate their thoughts and feelings.

Case in point, the latest bout of vandalism/graffiti that KDLT TV reported from over the weekend in Sioux Falls.

Let's get past the fact these individuals cannot spell.  There is a bigger problem in our community than many may realize.

Often times graffiti is not so easy to see to the untrained eye.  However, if you keep your eyes open and look on street signs and utility boxes throughout the city you will see just how out of control graffiti has gotten in Sioux Falls.

Photo by Marc Elliott
Photo by Marc Elliott

There are three R's of graffiti: Read it, Record it, Remove it.  It is important that when you see it you notify the authorities so they can read it and record it.  Chances are if it is on your property you will need to remove it.

Facts have shown that if graffiti is not removed more will appear.  Facts also indicate that when graffiti is present other unwanted activities could potential begin in the area.

Sioux Falls Police say there is not much they can do. That may be true in some cases. However, there is definitely something concerned citizens can do.  You can educate yourself on how to spot graffiti, notify the authorities when you see it, and, be persistent that it is removed.

Should you have further information regarding last weekends graffiti activities, contact the PoPo, I mean the Sioux Falls Police at 367-7212.

Source: KDLT TV

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