I Love Life: Candid Conversation With Country Star Lorrie Morgan
Lorrie Morgan, one of country’s music most successful entertainers, hit rock bottom at one point in her life and didn’t know if she had the energy to survive.
“I just ended an almost two years relationship with someone I loved. At the same time, I had come down with pleurisy and was sick in my house for two months. I couldn’t get out of bed. All I did was eat. I was depressed and slept all day. I couldn’t move. It was the worst time of my life. I really thought it was the end. I didn’t know if I could face the days ahead by myself.”
But, Lorrie didn’t sit still. The daughter of country legend George Morgan moved on with her life.
“I didn’t have the strength to do anything. Then one day, I said to myself, ‘this is it! I’m getting out of here.’ Although it was nearly impossible, I walked outside. It was so hard taking the first step on the road to getting better. But, I did it. Where the strength came from is far beyond me. But, God had a reason for it to come back and I took it for all it was worth. I told myself, ‘never again will I let a relationship to do this to me again….never ever again.’ But, as I’ve come to understand, in order to love another person, you can’t put boundaries on it. You still have to risk.”
Since her physical and emotional recovery, Lorrie keeps her mind on the present and doesn’t allow the past to control her.
“Every mistake I’ve made and every experience in my life has made me a wiser woman today. I haven’t lost my love for romance and certainly not my love for life. Out of all the pain, I don’t feel I’ve got a hard heart. Instead, everything that’s happened to me has made me a wiser person. With age comes wisdom. Had I lived this sheltered and ‘goody goody’ life that everybody thought I should have lived, I don’t think I could have coped and certainly wouldn’t be able to prepare my children for the world.”
The Grand Ole Opry star says it is possible to overcome depression and a sense of hopelessness.
“I’m not an entertainer who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Believe me, I’ve been there. I couldn’t get out of bed because of the depression. I was emotionally paralyzed. I’ve even looked at my children at times and asked myself ‘who are I? What are I doing here.’ So many women experience these feelings. That’s why it’s so important for us to take time for ourselves---kiss them babies goodnight, tuck ‘em in. Go turn on some music and take a bubble bath and read---read poetry, positive books and anything that gives you hope. Take care of your body, take care of yourself, and take care of your kids. The more you do for people, the better you’ll feel about yourself. If you’re feeling bad, go out and help somebody who’s a little worse off. I’m telling you, it really helps and believe me, you’ll be making another person’s life a whole lot better. After all, that’s really why we’re here.”
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