How Do You Feel About 4-Day School Weeks?
Children in the classroom always count down the days until school is out for the weekend, especially for a three-day weekend. But what if schools made three-day weekends a staple for the entire school year?
The Journalist's Resource reports that "an estimated 560 districts in 25 states have allowed at least one of their schools to adopt a four-day school week, with most moving to a Monday-to-Thursday schedule, according to the National Conference of State Legislators." When these schools miss a day, they usually add more time to a day or use Friday as a make-up day.
According to the Journalist's Resource, states that are starting this new calendar format are New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, and South Dakota. Some other states that are currently debating this change include Alaska, Missouri, Montana, Wyoming, and Oregon.
Why have four-day weeks for the school year? This new schedule essentially helps schools save money. The Journalist's Resource article explains, "A 2011 report from the Education Commission of the States examined six school districts and found that switching to a four-day schedule helped them shave their budgets by 0.4 percent to 2.5 percent."
How do you feel about four-day school weeks? Will this benefit or hinder your family's schedule?
Source: Journalist's Resource