Is the drive to Minneapolis or Omaha getting to be too much to satisfy that craving for some Crunchy Nutty Rice Bites With Quinoa and Cranberries? Are those three hours on the road becoming too big a barrier between you and your Ecuador Vilcabamba Estate Small Lot Coffee?

Wouldn't it be great if there was a Trader Joe's in Sioux Falls? I mean we have nearly a quarter million people in the area, a sophisticated sense of style, and lots of paved streets. Why not us?

Well, never fear, there is something you can do to try to bring Joe Coulombe's dream to the Sioux Empire. Oh, and if you don't know Trader Joe's is a speciality, neighbourhood-type grocery store.

Products include gourmet foods, organic foods, vegetarian foods, unusual frozen foods, imported foods, domestic and imported wine and beer (where local law permits), "alternative" food items, and staples such as bread, cereal, eggs, dairy, coffee, and produce. -Wikipedia

On the company's website they have a place where you can request that the company open a store where you live. Just fill out the information and tell TJ's how awesome Sioux Falls is.

We have plenty of areas in town ripe for Trader Joe-ification. The east side off of Arrowhead Parkway. South along 85th. I bet they could even find a cool spot downtown.

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