Help the Salvation Army Reach Their Goal
The push is on to reach a very important goal.
Sarah Blakely from KDLT TV reports the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign has set a hefty goal this year of $350,000. You have until Christmas Eve, which is this Saturday, but the Salvation Army is far behind its goal.
Major Tom Riggs says they’re over $100,000 behind, and he attributes the shortage to poor weather conditions and a “shorter” December. He says because Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year, it takes a few extra days of bell ringing away.
In addition, the blast of cold air and below-zero wind chills over the past weekend kept many people indoors. He says in that one weekend, he estimates they lost about $20,000 of potential donations. Major Riggs says he’s hoping the warmer weather this week will encourage more people to reach into their pockets to donate.
Major Riggs says the money raised from the Red Kettle Campaign goes toward all their programs for the entire year. There are about 30 locations in the Sioux Falls area where bell ringers are stationed to collect money.
Plus, aside from donating money, there’s plenty of opportunity to donate your time and volunteer to be a bell ringer.
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