Darrin Smith, Director of Sioux Falls Community Development, says building permits continue to increase in Sioux Falls.

"The most recent building permit numbers (now we're at the half-way mark) for the year) are really exceeding in some cases and somewhat exceeding where we were a year ago at this time. "

Smith says it's possible Sioux Falls could set still another record!

"It looks like we're on track to possibly set an all time record for the third year in a row which is incredible."

Smith isn't surprised with the city's growth.

"There is so much to like about Sioux Falls. The park system is second to none in the country. You just go on and on and on. We have a new events center with some of the best concerts in America playing right here in Sioux Falls. We have a new indoor aquatic facility as well as the Sanford Sports Complex."

Smith says Sioux Falls offers a quality of life that is second to none!

"Who wants to go to a community to live, work or play if there's not an exceptional quality of life?  Sioux Falls has it all!"





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