Girl Scout Cookie Season Begins Among Hearts and Flowers
Bring on the Valentines. Bring on the chocolates. Bring on the cookies. This year say I Love You with a box of Girl Scout cookies.
Oh sure it may be your fallback plan to give your sweetheart a box of candy, bouquet of flowers or jewelry bling but here's another sweet treat to add to your list. Girl Scout cookies. And they go on sale this week just in time for Valentine’s Day.
I'll bet you didn't know that the annual Girl Scout cookie campaign goes back almost a century. And did you know that the sales of those little gems all stays locally? It's their largest event of the year.
Just think of it. You're out to dinner with your sweetheart and at the right moment you slide a beautiful gift bag over to them with a box of Samoas, Shortbreads or Thin Mints. Mmmmmmm!
And even if Girl Scout cookies are not your Valentine gift choice they make great school backpack stuffers. Send a box with your kids when they go to the neighbor’s house. Oh and if you're invited out to someone's house for dinner no need to ask what you can bring. Tah-dah!
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