Gift Wrap Battle For The Children’s Inn
It was just a friendly competition between the folks from KSFY and a bunch of us from Results Radio.
It was all for a good cause, to help promote the Children's Inn Gift Wrap Booth in the Macy's wing of the Empire Mall. Now through Christmas Eve you can bring your gifts to be wrapped for a donation, drop off a new toy to fill the sleigh, or they will gladly take a monetary donation as well.
So, since it was for a good cause, who won and who lost doesn't really matter except for the fact that I WON!!!!
Honestly, I don't know how I won because I was never done first (except for the last round), but hey, I'll take the W!!
Andy was a good little helper and did what he was told. He would fold and hold his part of the gift while I was in charge of my side of the gift and tearing the tape. We were like a well oiled machine by the end.
For more information about the Children's Inn, you can click here.
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