When South Dakota weather gets bad we can count on amateur meteorologist Frankie MacDonald to let us know.

In his latest South Dakota video Franky says: "Massive blizzard is on its way for South Dakota on Wednesday (March 13) and it will bring 6 to 12 inches of snow or more and it will bring blizzard conditions with a lot of snow and it will cause reduced visibility especially in Rapid City, South Dakota and the storm will start off as rain in Sioux Falls, South Dakota then it will change over to blizzard conditions."

Frankie goes on to say, "Streets, roads, highways and interstate highways will be snow covered and a ton of snow and ton of high winds it is going to hit South Dakota on Wednesday (March 13) and it will cause massive snow drifts with reduced visibility."

"People in South Dakota be prepared to have your winter boots, winter jackets, hats, gloves, scarfs, and ski pants ready. Order your pizzas and Chinese food and buy cases of Pepsi and Coke. Do your grocery shopping don't wait until the last minute. Do it right now. Have your Samsung Galaxys, Samsung Galaxy smartphones, Samsung Galaxy tablets, smartphones, cell phones, laptops and tablets charged and have your 3G and 4G internet ready."

We will have to wait and see if Frankie is correct in his predictions. But he is fun to listen to.


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