Farmers Pleased with President Trump Signing Trade Agreement
A major agreement was signed in Washington on Monday (10/7) that is a boost for farmers. Leaders of several farm and agriculture groups joined together at the White House to commemorate the signing of the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement.
The agreement secures the second largest export market for corn farmers. National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) President Kevin Ross made the following statement,
Japan is the number two buyer of U.S. corn, purchasing more than $2 billion in the most recent marketing year. This is a high value market for our livestock industry, therefore, also a major purchaser of U.S. corn through exported meats. NCGA has been a long-time supporter of trade with Japan. With many farmers struggling amid some challenging times, this is some much-needed good news. This agreement reaffirms and builds on our trading relationship with Japan and NCGA looks forward to continued work for a successful Phase 2 of these important negotiations.
Also a statement from U.S. Grains Council Chairman Darren Armstrong, a corn farmer from Hyde County, North Carolina, on the signing of the U.S.-Japan trade agreement,
I was very pleased to join President Trump and other U.S. agriculture leaders at the White House today for the signing of the agreement recently negotiated to solidify our country's trade relationship with Japan. This agreement provides certainty and stability in our second largest corn market, brings sorghum imports to a zero tariff level immediately and reduces the import markup on barley. We anticipate additional market access measures related to ethanol to be addressed in the next round of negotiations with Japan coming soon. We truly appreciate the deep ties we have built with our Japanese customers through decades of mutual work, and we appreciate the efforts of both governments to take this step forward into the future together.