Democrats gathered after the Governor’s speech to discuss changes they’d like to see for South Dakota teachers this session.

Although Governor Daugaard is proposing an average salary of $48,500 thousand for teachers, Representative Billy Sutton of Burke says democrats are looking for more to stay competitive.

Our goal is to be at $50,000 average pay.  It gets us ahead of North Dakota and Nebraska.  It gets us truly competitive in our region.

The Governor’s proposal would increase the existing student teacher-student ratio, but Sutton says low ratios can continue and there is a way to accrue finances.

To fund that we are proposing a one penny sales tax with removing the sales tax on food.

Although the session is just starting, Sutton is optimistic that a lot can get accomplished.

I'm hopeful that as we move through the session, there will be discussions and compromises made.  That is our call to action when we come here to Pierre, to find solutions that work for not just some, but all.

The South Dakota Legislative session started Tuesday January 12, 2016 and runs through March 11, 2016.

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