It's my all time favorite movie. I don't have three or four movies that might be my favorite. This is the one, period.


When it came out in 1970 I was just a teenager and saw it in a theater with my folks. I probably really like it then just for the adventure and action it provided. This guy was a maverick, a rebel, a hero. All the things a teenager would love.

But as I got older, the magic of 'Patton' never left me. And then when I became interested, really interested, in American history my love for the movie deepened.

And then it was sealed when I delved deeper in my dad's involvement in World War II.

He, like thousands of others, served for a time under General Patton. He was a bridge builder (993rd Treadway Bridge Company) in Europe and his personal stories (which he never spoke about until he was in a Nursing Home) brought me deeper into that war. And deeper into Patton

Is the story 100% authentic to the man? Probably not. After all, this is Hollywood we're talking about. But I've read a lot about Patton through the decades and in my opinion, the movie doesn't stray far from the truth.

There are many iconic scenes in the movie, but this is the one that stirs me the most.

Oh, and by the way, I wasn't the only one who found this 1970 classic a great movie. It won seven Academy Awards, including the Oscar for 'Best Picture'.

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