CHS Talks New Products and Fertility at NAFB Convention
It's convention time for the National Farm Broadcasters Association and we're down in Kansas City, Missouri catching up with the leaders in the ag industry.
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Tim Swanson, CHS Agronomist spoke to us about fertility and some of the new and exciting products CHS has to offer. Take a listen below:
Birthday Freebies You Can Get at Sioux Falls Businesses
We've added even MORE birthday freebies from Sioux Falls businesses.
Everyone loves free stuff, especially on your birthday. Most of the freebies require you to sign up for their rewards program, e-mail list, or mobile app, so make sure you plan ahead. Some of the offers are good just on your birthday, while others are good for a week or longer.
Of course, this is just a small list. There are many more businesses that offer free stuff for your birthday right here in Sioux Falls. You just need to ask! Or, choose your favorite business, check out their website, and sign up for their e-mail club. All offers are subject to change at any time. Call ahead or check their website for more details.
*List updated 1/4/2022 - Individual businesses may change their policies at any time.