Best Places to Stop and Pee on I-90
This morning we were talking about things to do in the West River or in the Black Hills. Having lived in the Hills and going to and eventually graduating from Black Hills State University, I have driven the entire length of I-90 from Exit 396 in Sioux Falls to Exit 12 at Spearfish literally dozens of times.
Having made the long drive over and over I know some good spots to go pee when you're on that drive.
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Cabelas in Mitchell
This is my favorite because I can get out of the car and go look at hunting, shooting, and camping gear. I believe they have toilets inside as well.
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Al's Oasis in Oacoma
Good food in the restaurant, gift shop full of trinkets and shirts and stuff, and a full grocery store that sells ammunition. The bathrooms are between the gift shop and the restaurant.
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Side of the Road - Mile Marker 181
There is a farm in the distance to the north but it is about a mile off the Interstate. If they had binoculars they still wouldn't see much. I also like peeing at mile markers that have a symmetrical number like 181, 232, 303, etc.
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Scenic Overlook Between Kadoka and Phillip
There is no toilet. No porta-potty. I don't recall that there is even a hole in the ground. But do you think you would be the first person to pee up there? No. And there is a magnificent view of the Buffalo Gap National Grassland.
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Anywhere at Wall Exit Except Wall Drug
There are a couple of gas stations and restaurants right off the Interstate in Wall. They all have a place to potty. Wall Drug does too, and it's a fine place to visit, but if your objective is urination it's a long trip into town. Like 600 yards or so.
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