Lauryn Snapp is known by her listeners as the "queen of a good time." Lauryn is a contributing writer to and is versed in all things pop culture, from celebrity news to viral trends. She is also the host of PopCrush Nights radio show and previously worked for CMT Paramout, iHeart Radio and Warner Bros. Lauryn likes to pack a punch on the radio with fast music facts, daily life overshares and mediocre dad jokes. When not chasing down the latest in trending pop culture news, listening to new music, or keeping her finger on the pulse of the latest social media crazes, Lauryn can be found sing-speaking to her dog, Sullivan, chasing waterfalls and attempting makeup or fashion tutorials. Follow Lauryn on Instagram here.
Lauryn Snapp
High School Grad Beefing With Family After ‘Entitled’ Grandmother Ruins Graduation Dinner
The student's grandparents always complain about the food and harass the servers when they go out to eat.
Who Is the World’s Richest Family?
No, it’s definitely not the Kardashians.
Woman Frustrated After Neighbor Mows Lawn at Nearly 3AM on Her ‘Only Day to Sleep In’
She was woken up by the sound of a lawnmower blasting outside her window in the middle of the night.
Man Paddles 38 Miles Down River in Hollowed-Out Pumpkin
The 846-pound pumpkin is named "Berta."
Woman Claims She Came Back From the Dead, Met Jesus Christ
"It was Jesus Christ. He hugged me."
Son Grows Out Hair to Make Wig for Mom With Brain Tumor
He had to grow his hair out 12 inches to make the wig.
People With Pets Have Better Quality of Life According to New Study
Pets could be the key to really "living your best life."
English Teacher Reveals Five Words You’ve Probably Been Saying Wrong This Whole Time: WATCH
"Mischievous" is apparently very mischievous to pronounce.
Mama Bear Checks Herself Into Airbnb, ‘Destroys’ House Looking for Food
Gentle reminder to "be bear aware" out there.
Woman Reprimanded by Employer for Taking Time Off to Care for Son After Surgery
The mom's employer reprimanded her for "excessive absenteeism."