Daily Distraction
Watch These Cats Who Hate Wearing Clothes — Daily Distraction
If you own a cat, it won't surprise you that a cat feels about a sweater the way a person might feel about a straitjacket.
Watch This Series of Musician Mug Shots — Daily Distraction
"I fought the law and the law won," is a pretty famous lyric for a reason.
Watch These Dogs Slipping Around on Ice — Daily Distraction
It's hard enough for us humans to stay upright on ice, and we have the most advanced brains on the planet.
Watch These Twins Babies Who Have Their Own Language — Daily Distraction
Maybe it's true that twins have special powers the rest of us lack.
Watch the Cast of ‘The Goonies’ Then and Now — Daily Distraction
Everyone's favorite bunch of down-on-their-luck Oregonian kids, 'The Goonies,' sure have grown up in the last 28 years.
Watch These Silly Cats Who Got Stuck in Jars — Daily Distraction
As long as there are cat-size holes leading to cat-size jars, cats will get stuck in jars.
Watch This Collection of ‘Family Guy’ Look-alikes — Daily Distraction
You probably have that one annoying friend who thinks he does a great Stewie Griffin impression. But does he look like Stewie?
Watch These Kids Who Are Scared of Jack-in-the-Boxes
Okay, first of all, Jack-in-the-Boxes are scary.
Watch These Cats Battling Toilet Paper Rolls — Daily Distraction
It's actually somewhat surprising this doesn't happen more often.
Watch These Dogs and Babies Who Are Best Buds — Daily Distraction
When it comes to food, dogs just want it now now now! But with babies, dogs display a stunning amount of patience.